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Prepare Decision to Grant Enquiry form

After making a permit decision with the outcome "Notice of Decision" a mandatory action will be displayed "Prepare Decision to Grant Enquiry".

Upon opening this screen, you will see information relating to the application displayed that has been collected from the application and other parts of SPEAR, such as objector and referral request details.

To complete this action you will need to do the following:

  1. As the logged in user, you will default as the "Planning Officer". If you wish to change this, click on the drop down list and select the appropriate officer.
  2. The Planning Application No. field will display any reference number(s) that you have assigned to this SPEAR application. You are able to amend this information by overtyping in this field.
  3. The "Date Notice of Decision Issued".
  4. The next field you will be required to enter is "Date Notice of Decision Posted". Use the date picker (calendar icon) to select the correct date.
    Note: The "Date Notice of Decision Posted" is the date the Responsible Authority posted the NOD to ALL parties, including objectors. This date may differ from the "Date Notice of Decision Issued", which is the date the Responsible Authority made its decision.
  5. A list of objectors is provided, including those objections lodged online and those added to SPEAR by the Responsible Authority. If you wish to notify VCAT of any/all objections, select the appropriate checkbox and the details will appear on the form.
  6. A text field is provided so you can enter additional Referral Authority details or provide special comments.
  7. Once you have completed the form you can "preview", "save & close" or "cancel". Selecting "save & close" will return you to the Details Screen.

Notes: Objections received outside of SPEAR (ie: in paper) must be entered in to SPEAR by the Responsible Authority before completing this action.

You will be required to authenticate the completed form.

Once authenticated, the form is stored and VCAT is notified.

If you require further information, see User Guide 47 - Preparation of Decision to Grant Enquiry Form